Mykola Neseniuk: "Now Serhiy Rebrov has taken the place of Belarusians in the news"

Renowned journalist Mykola Neseniuk talks about the number of media reports regarding the possible appointment of Serhiy Rebrov as head coach of the Ukrainian national team.

Mykola Neseniuk

"Last year, not even half a day passed without news about a possible enemy offensive from Belarusian territory. This news was not good for anyone's health - the prospect of being in a war zone was seriously worrying residents of the regions bordering the Belarusian-populated territory.

Even then, it was obvious that these daily Belarusian threats existed mainly in the minds of news editors who desperately needed to attract the attention of their audience. The headlines about the Belarusian attack were a great sell. And no one cared about the fact that they took away years of life from thousands and thousands of people, and some even gave their souls to God after such headlines. Because news is also a business.

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  • Богдан(Dzurita) - Старожил
    19.04.2023 09:44
    Цікавий дядько. Чого не згадує про Циганика, Вацько і і тутешніх журналістів, які в погоні за клікбейтами строчать заголовки абсурдного характеру, а саме наповнення статей виглядає ворожінням циган або астрологів
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