Bookmakers named the top favorite among the Champions League semifinalists for the title

After the pairs of 1/1 finals of the Champions League this season, bookmakers have updated their betting odds on the winner of this European competition.

The main favorite, as before, is considered to be English Manchester City. Bets on the fact that the "city" will win the Champions League, are now accepted at odds of 1.67. Bookmakers have the least faith in the Italian AC Milan.

Bookmakers' bets on the winner of the Champions League 2022/23:

"Manchester City 1.67.
"Real Madrid 4.50
"Inter - 7.50
"AC Milan 8.50

Recall that in the semifinals of the Champions League will play: "Real" - Manchester City and "Inter" - "Milan".

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  • a ui(a_ui) - Наставник
    20.04.2023 13:47
    Як на мене, то Реал - МС - це і буде головний фінал цієї ЛЧ. Тільки двоматчевий :)
    Навряд чи будь-яка з італійських команд зможе щось протипоставити у фіналі мадридцям або манчестерцям.
    Але буду вболівати і за потрапляння Мілану в фінал. Леао просто звір
    • 3