"Dynamo" goalkeeper Ruslan Nescheret made a gross mistake in the match against "Shakhtar". The goalkeeper of the youth national team of Ukraine could not repel a very long shot by Taras Stepanenko, which was almost in the center. Nescheret's mistake could have potentially cost Dynamo three points.
In the match against "Zorya", Guerrero clearly did not help himself after the blow. You can list further. All these are points lost. When it is not reliable at the gate, then you should think about the result.
Nescheret became the main goalkeeper of "Dynamo" in the fall. He did not take full advantage of his chance. It cannot be said that he failed. But there are enough errors and mistakes. There was an assumption that there was not enough experience. But in half a year it could already be acquired to improve your game.
The main problem in this story is that Nescheret did not get a lease that would help him assert himself. That is, he should have gained the necessary experience in another, smaller club, where the mistakes would not have been so acute. Every goalkeeper must concede his thousand goals to gain experience. Every goalkeeper has to make mistakes in order to become reliable. The problem is that Ruslan makes these mistakes not in a small team, but in Dynamo. At one time, everything was like that with Georgy Bushchan, when he was just starting to assert himself. The path to self-confidence is quite long and painful. Zhora played fully only at the age of 25.
The second point is competition. Nesheret did not win it, but got his chance due to the injuries of his partners. There was already one such story with Covid, when Boyko and Bushchan had a positive test. There was nothing left but to put Ruslan. The match against Barcelona turned out well, and in the second game there was a mistake against Shakhtar that cost the team a rout. It's the same now: Boyko and Bushchan haven't actually played since the fall. Nescheret has no alternative. No one asks if he is ready. Necessary.
I also believe that Anatoly Trubin's progress is an important factor. The goalkeeper of Shakhtar was able to become the main goalkeeper of his club and a player of the national team, but Ruslan has not yet. In youth football, it was the Dynamo goalkeeper who was given more advances. Of course, Nescheret wants to prove to everyone and to himself that he is not worse.
Perhaps the arrival of Oleksandr Shovkovskyi as head coach will somehow benefit Nescheret. An experienced goalkeeper can help a young goalkeeper to improve his psychological state.
In this whole story, the arrival of Oleksandr Volynets from "Colossus" in the summer does not look like something fantastic. Under such an option, Nescheret can go for a stable playing practice on a loan in order to return more ready to become the first number of "Dynamo".
Serhii Tyshchenko
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Чим відрізняється гол пропущений від Степаненко?
По перше огляд воротареві перекривали - арбітр , захисник Динамо , нападаючий гірників.
Скажу так саме рухи арбітра дезорієнтували Нещерета найбільше бо він у темній формі тікав вправо, до останнього не нахилився і Траоре.
Особливістю удара Степаненко стало те що удар на справді то і не вийшов вдалим : бив зовнішньою стороною стопи , наче косив .М'яч пірнав до землі по неочікуваній траекторії проти руху часової стрілки , ще й обертався проти часової стрілки.
Щоб відбити такий м'яч у Нещерета руки повинні були бути на п'ять сантиметрів довші
Удар был не прост. Справедливости ради, Степашка хорошо бьёт.
А теперь минусастам и Тищенко (он, типа, спец) не помешает посмотреть на повтор из-за ворот.
Мяч летит влево от вратаря, от него уворачивается судья, потом Траоре и мяч начинает резко после этого уходить вправо. Фактически ловит Нещерета на шаге влево. (Здесь, обратите внимание!, мяч вылетает из тени от вышки на солнечное пространство, а солнце светит в глаза вратарю.) Это всё сильно дезориентирует голкипера.
Наш воротник успевает таки сложиться, но есть вторая неприятность - мяч ныряет в землю прямо перед руками Руслана.
Поэтому, моё мнение, не 100% ошибка, разве что, он реагировал на удар поздно, поэтому времени на "изменить свои действия" было мало. Очень непростая ситуация. И отсутствие опыта. Это скорее сказалось.
Я думаю, что Сергею в голову не могло прийти, что Степашка ударит по воротам в этой ситуации и с этой дистанции.
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