De Dzerby on the FA Cup semi-final defeat at home: "Usually in a penalty shootout, the one who doesn't deserve it wins.

Brighton head coach Roberto De Dzerby commented on their FA Cup semi-final defeat to Manchester United in the penalty shoot-out (0-0 regular time, 6-7 on penalties).

Roberto De Dzerby. Photo:

"We are disappointed and very upset. We played a great game. We have a lot of injuries, we suffered because of this situation. It's sad for us and our fans.

Usually in a penalty shootout, the one who does not deserve it wins. We made some mistakes during the closing passes, but I am very satisfied with my players' performance. Anything can happen in a penalty shootout. You can make mistakes. Solly March, who did not score a penalty, is one of the best players on our team. I'm proud of him and the other players, especially today.

We have to close this page and think about the next game on Wednesday in Nottingham," De Dzerby told the BBC.

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  • Shapych - Эксперт
    24.04.2023 13:13
    За багато років я звернув увагу, що, ЯК ПРАВИЛО, серії пенальті програють ті, хто більше втомився. На втомі з'являється страх пробити мимо і тому б'ють ближче до кіпера, а ті, хто сміливіший, нерідко мажуть, бо м'язи вже не ті.
    винятки бувають, якщо у одієї з команд кіпер - Бог, або на останніх хвилинах втратили переможний рахунок і не вийшли з шокового стану...
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