Former Dynamo forward Viktor Leonenko has commented on the outcome of Manchester City's 4-1 win over Arsenal in England.
"Holand clings on, gives it to De Bruyne. Where does De Bruyne run to? To the side where everyone thinks the world's best left-back should be. Why wasn't Zinchenko there? In the end, it was a goal.
I won't count all the chances, there were five of them. I will count two which involved Zinchenko: Howland rounded, shot, Ramsdale made a save. Zinchenko in that episode again was running from somewhere, he was busy or there was a traffic jam, or he was waiting for a bus or a taxi. Zinchenko was stuck somewhere, he wasn't there, the man had already hit - he just got there. Ramsdale should be given a monument.
Manchester City had two players who were tearing Arsenal apart. Where was the left-back? Three goals scored and we could have scored two more from under him. Where was he running? There, Holding was struggling with Holland, well, Holding is a defender, and our Zinchenko, for some reason, was in front - he started the attack, as some people think. He does not even start the attack and "bring" himself. I`d love to ask Shevchenko: Andriy, what`s with the best left-back?
The first seconds of the second half, Zinchenko is neither there nor there. It's good that De Bruyne did not score. Colo Toure, where are you? What do you say? Where's the defender or attacking player? The start of the second half, everyone is in their seats. Holand plays with his head, Zinchenko is neither there nor there. Neither there, nor there. De Bruyne just missed it. Here's a telling moment, the left back somehow played... Seven goals could have been scored.
Holland still scored an own goal. And what's interesting is that our best defender in the world got open. He threw it in, went to open up. It turns out that the best defender in the world also has to learn how to do it.
Of course, it is difficult for people, even those who understand football, to find his mistakes, because the team is always holding the ball. Naturally, it is difficult to notice, there you can walk, run, accelerate, constantly control the ball. He plays like that everywhere. Do you think he played that badly against a team like that? He always plays that way. He didn't make it there, didn't have time there. Bottom line is, where is he? That is all. You all saw in the game" - Leonenko said in a podcast of his Telegram channel.
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Просто наведу оцінки захисників Арсеналу від софаскор (зліва - направо):
Зінченко - 6.2 - Магал'яєш - 5.9 - Холдінг - 7.0 (єдиний гол команди) - Уайт - 5.7
То, что великолепный матч провёл де Брёйне, это понятно. Но меня поразил Холланд - выдающийся нападающий без слабых мест! И на острие, и в оттяжке, и отдаёт, и забивает, и скорость, и голевое чутьё, и удары без подготовки! Супер!!!
У "Арсенала" неудачно сыграли все, но особенно, центр обороны и опорники. Непонятным для меня осталось одно: меньшая, чем обычно, активность Зинченко в опорной зоне - как мне показалось, большую часть матча он действовал на фланге. То ли такая была установка Артеты, то ли это была анархия со стороны Зинченко, то ли это игроки МС вынудили его уйти на фланг, насытив. опорную зону канониров и перекрыв там пространство для Зинченко.
Він мені нерідко нагадує Ярмолу, який частіше імітував відбір, просто рухаючись паралельно супернику. Я цього ніколи не розумів - краще постояв би і зекономив сили на атаку.