"They will pay for everything. Each of them will feel grief," Roman Zozulya on today's Russian missile attack on Ukraine

Former Dynamo Kyiv and Ukrainian national team forward Roman Zozulya has spoken out about today's missile attack on Ukraine by the shitty non-country called Russia.

Roman Zozulya

"At night, the p*ssies launched a missile attack on Ukraine. It's 4 am again. Missiles again.

Out of 23 missiles, 21 were destroyed by air defence forces. Unfortunately, this was not enough.

Uman... A hit to a residential, multi-storey building. There are dead and wounded. An ordinary house where parents and children slept peacefully. Grandparents were sleeping. A direct hit. Destruction. Destroyed lives and apartments. Pain and sadness.

The Russian nits continue to go unpunished.

We must not allow the bastards to be on the international stage. In sports, cinema, music and politics. Expel them, destroy them.

They will be punished. Each of them will feel grief," Zozulia wrote on his telegram channel.
