"For some reason, Paskhal missed a penalty on Buyalsky" - FIFA referee's analysis of Metalist vs Dynamo match

In a commentary for 1927.kiev.ua, the former referee Myroslav Stupar assessed the refereeing in the match of the 23rd round of the Ukrainian championship between Metalist and Dynamo (1-3).

Igor Paskhal

- Paskhal was not concentrated. Apparently, from the very beginning, he decided that Dynamo would easily beat Metalist, and so in the 17th minute in the Metalist penalty area, when Buyalsky had the opportunity to attack the goal, he was brought down by Romaniuk, who tried to knock the ball out from under Vitaliy's feet, but played not at the ball, but at his feet. For some reason, Paskhal missed this moment. There were no further "criminal" moments that could speak of the referee's competence or incompetence. As an experienced referee, he led the game and at the beginning of the second half sent off the same Romanyuk for a last-ditch foul against Kabaev. A well-deserved red card. This made it easier for Dynamo to win. With difficulty, but they did it.

"It was difficult for Dynamo - only in the second half did Kyiv get going, and Shakhtar also looked difficult today. Our teams are going through a bit of a slump," Stupar said.

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  • виктор петров(kulon) - Наставник
    29.04.2023 17:42
    Яке горе...
    То Катя не "сконцентрована",то поцхал,то кривушкін з романовим..
    Дивно те ,що ці самі "розконцерновані",чомусь у іграх з тим же Шахтарем ніяких помилок не роблять:фіксують миттєво пенальті,видаляють костоломів з поля,на користь тих самих "гірників".
    Так може все діло не в "концентрації"?
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