"Alexandria have no plans to sack Rotan

Oleksandriya head coach Ruslan Rotan will continue his work at the club despite the defeat to Kryvbas (1-2) in the Ukrainian championship. This was reported by Mykhailo Spivakovskyi in the issue of TaToTake.

Ruslan Rotan

"I have information that there was a meeting at the club. It was led by the president Serhiy Kuzmenko. There were representatives of the coaching staff and even team leaders, experienced players. According to my information, the president quite correctly asked a question, why do we have such a game, what we lack of sharpness, aggression?

But we have confidence in the coaching staff. The club understands that this project is not for a month and not for six months. I am absolutely sure that Rotan and his squad have at least time before the end of the calendar year," Spivakovskiy said.

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  • Юрий katso - Наставник
    30.04.2023 13:13
    Вообще не понимаю,чем не угодил руководству клуба прошлый тренерский состав,который вел четко Александрию на 5 месте и было ближе до 4,нежели опуститься ниже? А сейчас что? Просто страшно представить,что было бы с клубом,если бы Ротань начал с начала сезона. Ничейный трусливый стиль после предыдущих,где особенно дома просто сметали сопперников,равных себе или пониже классом. Сейчас же - главное - не проиграть,как и у всех командах,руководимых Ротанем
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