Ihor Tsyhanyk: "Why did he call Dynamo 'ours'? In that match, the referee clearly worked for Shakhtar

Famous commentator Ihor Tsyhanyk explained why he called the Kyiv team "ours" several times during the broadcast of the Ukrainian championship match between Dynamo and Shakhtar.

Ihor Tsyhanyk

- To be honest, I don't even concentrate on that. When they start talking about the commentator, it means they want to divert attention from the main thing: in that match, they didn't give a penalty to Rakytskyi; Shakhtar tore off the opponent's legs; Bondar and Bondarenko should have been given red cards.

They don't talk about this, they talk about what the commentator said. Why did I say that? Sometimes I do that, and I can say that word about Shakhtar. When I comment, I try to imagine what I would do for a particular team. And especially for a losing team.

The point is that when people start talking about the commentator, it means they want to divert attention from something. That's all. In this match, the referee was clearly working for Shakhtar," Tsyhanyk said on Footballhub.

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  • Oleksandr Ivashov(touri7t) - Старожил
    04.05.2023 13:22
    Чогось вспомнив ШалАфутдинова, ото клоун був і ніхто не питав тоді за кого вболіває він! А зараз де він і купа таких мразот як він? А "футболи" за все своє існування не вболівали за кротів? Да я і матчі не дивився із-за цього чи вимикав звук, альо ви про що!!! Нічого страшного, переживете якось, кроти грьобані, не всіх вам купити, є ще люди нормальні.
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