Kryvbas vs Dynamo match statistics

On Monday, May 8, Kryvbas vs Dynamo (0-1) took place on matchday 25 of the Ukrainian championship.


Here are the statistics of this match.

"Kryvbas "Dinamo
8 Hit 16
4 Strike at the fleshpot 5
1 Blocked strikes 4
4 Kooti 4
2 Offside 0
7 Pidkati 3
9 Rule violation 15
2 Yellow cards 5
0 Black cards 0
42 Occupation of the m'yacham (%) 58
0 комментариев
Best comment
  • Den Den(den.zaporozhye) - Наставник
    08.05.2023 15:54
    Динамо! З перемогою!
    • 2