Tuchel: "If Bayern lose the championship, it will be my responsibility"

Bayern Munich coach Thomas Tuchel commented on the 1-3 defeat to RB Leipzig in the 33rd round of the German championship.

Thomas Tuchel, Getty Images

"If we lose the league title while I am in charge of the team, of course, it will be my responsibility. I don't need to look for excuses. I will simply do everything possible to improve the situation next season," Tuchel was quoted as saying by the Munich press service.

With a round to go in the Bundesliga, Bayern has 68 points and is two points behind the leading Borussia Dortmund.

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  • Галас Оксана - Наставник
    22.05.2023 11:10
    І треба ж було звільняти Нагельсманна посеред сезону. Невже не можна було дочекатись підсумків сезону, залишиться Баварія чемпіоном чи ні.
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