"De Dzerby's Brighton make their first ever European Cup appearance

Brighton have secured a place in next season's European competition by beating Southampton 3-1 in the 37th round of the AFL.

Roberto De Dzerby

Now, Roberto De Dzerby, known from his work with FC Shakhtar Donetsk, is sitting in sixth place in the Premiership table with one round to go and they cannot go any lower than seventh. Eighth-placed Tottenham are four points behind Brighton and have therefore lost their chance to close the gap.

The maximum for Brighton is fifth place, currently occupied by Liverpool. The gap between these teams is five points, but Brighton have two matches left to play (one in the final round and one postponed), while Liverpool have one.

So, next season, Brighton will play in either the Europa League (5th, 6th in the APL) or the Conference League (7th place). This is the club's first appearance in European competitions in its history.

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  • sedoj седой(sedoj) - Эксперт
    22.05.2023 12:27
    Наш сайт не проведёшь! Мы-то знаем, что все тренеры-иностранцы "Шлюхтёра" Невио Скала, Бернд Шустер, Мирча Луческу, Паулу Фонсека, Луиш Каштру и особенно, Роберто Де Дзерби являются обычными физруками. Да и Игор Йовичевич, после прихода в "Шлюхтёр", стал таким же физруком. Так что, нас на мякине проведёшь!
    П.С. Я тут подумал, а может напрасно я причислил к физрукам Луческу - всё таки, сейчас он наш, динамовец. Ну, ладно, как скажете, так и будет.
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