Zorya vs Shakhtar: where to watch, live stream (24 May)

On Wednesday, May 24, the encounter between Zorya and Shakhtar Donetsk in round 28 of the Ukrainian Premier League 2022/2023 will take place.

Заря - Шахтер: где смотреть, онлайн трансляция (24 мая)

The match between Zorya Luhansk and Shakhtar Donetsk is expected to be exciting, with both teams looking to win. Zorya Luhansk have been playing well this season, impressing with their style of play and strong defensive play. However, do not underestimate Shakhtar Donetsk, who boast a talented squad with a solid record.

With such strong teams, fans can expect a tense and highly competitive game. Both teams will be looking to outplay each other, and the players are likely to show their best qualities to ensure victory for their clubs. All in all, this match promises to be an exciting one for football fans. Fans of the sport will be looking forward to this encounter, holding their breath to see which team will come out on top.

Where to watch Zorya vs Shakhtar:

Ukraine: setantasports.com.
