Shakhtar director: "We are very close to creating UPL TV".

Shakhtar director for strategic development and communications Yuriy Sviridov said that the meeting of UPL clubs on the TV pool issue was held in a constructive atmosphere.

"There are 2-3 clubs who want to see a more detailed business plan for UPL TV, but the atmosphere at the meeting was such that I do not remember it. Everyone was respectful and understanding. I believe we are very close to creating UPL TV," Sviridov told TaToTaka in a commentary.

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    24.05.2023 17:49
    Практика уже показала, что нельзя доверять Шахтёру организовывать что-либо общественное. Любое мероприятие, которое организовывает Шахтёр, в первую очередь организовано с наибольшей пользой для самого Шахтёра.
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