Former Dynamo player Josip Pivaric announces career end: details

Former Dynamo Kyiv defender Josip Pivaric has decided to end his career as a footballer.

Josip Pivaric (photo:

"I had too many health problems in my career, as many as 7 operations, and all this is now reflected in my body. Nobody knows how I feel every morning when I get out of bed. I just feel exhausted and I do not want to burden my body anymore," Pivaric told

As a reminder, Pivaric played for Dinamo 2017 to 2020. He has five assists in 47 games. The Croatian won the Ukrainian Cup and the Super Cup.

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  • A weel(anatolij-vikul) - Наставник
    25.05.2023 14:57
    Пиварич игрок Динамо - вице-чемпион мира, единственный, если правильно помню. Успехов в зафутболье и здоровья конечно же.
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