VIDEO: Incredible miss by Mudrick in Manchester United vs Chelsea

The Ukrainian midfielder of Chelsea FC Mykhaylo Mudryk took part in yesterday's delayed match between his team and Manchester United (1-4), which was held within the framework of the 32nd round of the English championship.

Mikhail Mudrik

The 22-year-old was included in the Londoners' starting line-up for this match and had a great chance to open the scoring in the 4th minute of the game: Mudryk was on his own in front of the goalkeeper at ten metres, but failed to get on the ball.

64 minutes into the match, Mudryk was substituted.

It must be recalled, the Ukrainian defender joined Chelsea from Shakhtar Donetsk last winter for a fee of EUR 100 mln. Since then, Mudryk took part in 17 Chelsea games. He has only two assists to his credit.

Mudrik's incredible miss in the Manchester United v Chelsea match:

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  • Карл Фернандович Мицельмахер - Эксперт
    26.05.2023 12:26
    Помниться мне один местный "гуру", он же "исследователь", несколько лет назад оценил К. Мбаппе примерно так как вы. Это оценка была как ответ на моё мнение о классе и перспективах этого футболиста.
    Далёк от мысли предрекать Мудрику путь Мбаппе, даже не в плане результативности, а просто в плане развития карьеры, достижений, регалий и титулов, но назвать Мудрика легкоатлетом мог только такой профан, как и тот, который нечто подобное сказал о Мбаппе.
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