Napoli president proposes to introduce football into the school system

Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis believes that Italian education lacks the discipline of football in schools.

Aurelio De Laurentiis, Getty Images

- "I don't want to revolutionise football, but I would like to bring back very young people who are degraded by smartphones and other platforms. They don't have the patience to follow football, which translates into a lack of passion.

I would like to talk to the Minister of Education to consider the option of creating a discipline called Football, to make them watch the Argentina vs France match.

We still have a 15-minute break, it's crazy. There shouldn't be a break, we have 27 players, we should play the full 90 minutes," said Aurelio De Laurentiis.

We would like to add that this season Napoli became the Italian champion for the first time in 33 years.

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  • Epitaph , King Crimson (Перевертун) - Эксперт
    30.05.2023 15:11
    збиралися ввести як пілотний варіант , а потім все по)(ерели , скинули на факультативи - понадпрограмний, необов'язковий навчальний курс, необов'язкове для відвідування заняття.
    Хто міг той якось співпрацював з ДЮСШ заради годин.
    Звичайно , якщо входив до штату .
    • 3