"Today I saw the air defence work being filmed: I had to stop and straighten my brain" - ex-Dinamo goalkeeper

Former Dynamo Kiev goalkeeper Svyatoslav Sirota has urged Ukrainians not to film the air defence force's work during missile strikes by the stinking sub-country called "Russia".

Sviatoslav Sirota

"Don't film the air defence work!

Today I personally saw ordinary people just standing in the street filming the air defence work. I had to stop and straighten their minds and force them to delete the video from their phones.

However I have a question, is it really possible to film our air defense system in 15 months of full-fledged aggression? I don't get it. Is there nothing else of interest?

They say we don't put it on the net. But you've never heard anything about outsiders interfering with your phone?

Take care and do not film our air defense!!!", Sirota wrote on his Facebook page.

We would remind you that the ex-Dynamo soldier has been listed in the ranks of the AFU since the first days of the war. Last May Sirota was wounded, but after rehabilitation he returned to service.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    30.05.2023 11:47
    Для таких, як ви та вам подібних "блогерів", нагадую, що зараз Йде Війна, і через нібито, "безвинні забавки" всіляких "блогерів" чи "корисних ідіотів", Гинуть Мирні Жителі, знищується інфраструктура, підривається боєздатність наших Збройних Сил!!!
    Я вважаю, за подібні "відео", особливо ті, що викладають в соцмережі, Необхідно карати по Законам ВС!!!
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