Snotty Russians. Sevastopol CEO: "Ukraine prevents our players from changing their football citizenship"

A certain general director of FC Sevastopol, Valeriy Chalyy, has blurted out his Russian snot about Ukraine preventing the team's players from changing their sporting citizenship to Russian in occupied Crimea.

Valeriy Chalyi

"Unfortunately, we have eight people with Ukrainian passports. We are talking about football passports, not civilian passports. Ukraine prevents the change of such football sports citizenship," Match TV quoted Chaly as saying.

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Best comment
  • Валерій Думанський(valerik) - Эксперт
    02.06.2023 02:21
    Почекай, паскуда, трохи. Скоро там усі матимуть українське громадянство.
    • 4