He is a co-owner of Rapid Bucharest: "I have already spoken to Lucescu. I intend to bring him back to the club"

The co-owner of Rapid Bucharest, Dan Ciucu, wants to bring back Dynamo's current coach Mircea Lucescu to the club.

Mircea Lucescu

"The most special results are associated with Mircea Lucescu, if we talk about coaches. Yes, I spoke to him. He promised me that when he comes to Bucharest, he will find time to talk to us. I would like to find a solution where I can consult with him more specifically. Yes, of course, I would like to bring him back to our club. It would only be good for us," Dan Shuku told ProSport Live.

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  • MateyS SergiyM(MateyS) - Наставник
    02.06.2023 14:04
    Можливо так буде краще для всіх.
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