Yevgeny Seleznev: "What was it at Euro 2016? Fucked up".

Former forward of the Ukraine national team Yevhen Seleznyov told about the reasons for the failure of the national team at Euro 2016.

Yevgeny Seleznev

- Not a single goal was scored. What was it? We`ve fucked up. The problem is deeper. Stepanenko and Yarmolenko quarreled, I went to Kuban, Rotan and Zozulya quarreled with the referees. Confusion, confusion, everything on everything. We did not communicate very closely, we were not together. There were groups of 3-4 players, - Seleznev said in an interview with Sport Arena TV.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    06.06.2023 14:50
    Історія про те, як посварились Тарас Миколайович з Андрієм Миколайовичем, а Євген Олександрович опинився в "Кубані".
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