"We're trying to compete with them and he congratulates them" - Arsenal fans are annoyed by Zinchenko's greeting to City

Arsenal fans have criticised Oleksandr Zinchenko after the Ukrainian defender congratulated his former club Manchester City on winning the Champions League.

Photo: arsenal.com

After Zinchenko posted his congratulations to Manchester City, the following messages appeared in the comments section of the post: "We are trying to compete with them and he congratulates them." "This is pure nonsense from Zinchenko!" "Sorry, but you just can't do that to your title rivals."

But there were also those Arsenal supporters who supported Zinchenko: "He is happy that his former teammates and coach won." "He congratulates his former teammates and friends. What's wrong with that?" "It's called sportsmanship, he played there for so many years."

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  • Олександр Вболiвальник Динамо(doktorim) - Эксперт
    11.06.2023 16:16
    Почему Зинченко не имеет права поздравить свою бывшую команду с завоеванием титула в Лиге чемпионов? Конечно же имеет, тем более, в этом турнире пути МС и Арсенала не пересекались. Порой, даже сразу после игры, игроки проигравшей команды поздравляют игроков-победителей. Но это возможно лишь в том случае, если игра велась по спортивному в честном поединке.
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