Bohdan Sarnavskiy has revealed details that make his departure from Kryvbas scandalous

Kryvbas goalkeeper Bohdan Sarnavskiy's contract with the club expires on 30 June, after which he will become a free agent.

Bogdan Sarnavsky

- The talks with Kryvbas are at an impasse. Personally, I really wanted to extend the contract. I did not just spent two years in this team, but there are many nuances. As of today, so it is. I think the most important reason why I did not play enough in the second round was the decision not to extend the contract. I didn't have any injury," Bohdan toldUF.

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  • Polkovnik Viktor Kravchuk - Старожил
    11.06.2023 21:08
    При всій повазі до Сарнавського не бачу приводу для скандалу. Хазяїн - барин.
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