The first two trucks with drinking water from Dynamo arrived in the Kherson region

The terrible environmental catastrophe that occurred on 6 June as a result of the Russian occupiers' explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station and the flooding of Ukrainian territories on the right and left banks of the Dnipro River caused a huge humanitarian crisis in the Kherson region and surrounding areas. Thousands of people were left homeless, without access to food and drinking water. The occupiers have once again brought grief and destruction to our land.


FC Dynamo (Kyiv) and the Surkis Brothers Foundation could not stand aside from the consequences of this terrorist act, as there is no such thing as someone else's misfortune, so they immediately mobilised their efforts to help the local residents suffering from the disaster.

It was decided to purchase hundreds of thousands of litres of drinking water. The water was loaded into 10 trucks, two of which immediately left for the Kherson region, where the first 40,000 litres of water were delivered to local residents on Sunday.

The remaining eight trucks with drinking water will also arrive in the near future.

"Together, we can fight Russian aggression and drive the occupiers out of our land. These water trucks are just the first two out of ten units we will deliver to you. I am sure this is only the beginning of our fruitful cooperation for the sake of Ukraine's victory," said Andriy Shakhov, press officer of FC Dynamo Kyiv.

Natalia Kornienko, head of the Velyko Oleksandrivske village military administration: "Drinking water is the most necessary thing that the residents of Kherson region need now. That is why we thank FC Dynamo Kyiv and the Surkis brothers for this much-needed help. This is a very important event for us, and the importance of clean water is hard to overestimate."

We would like to note that Dynamo Kyiv and the Surkis Brothers Foundation continue to make their contribution to a large and extremely important process - bringing our Victory closer and ending the war as soon as possible. They not only send humanitarian aid to the places where it is most needed, but also help military units, formations and individual defenders with equipment, vehicles and other supplies.
