Former Sweden national team player Nilla Fischer has revealed some rather embarrassing details about what she and her teammates had to go through to play in the 2011 World Cup.

"We were told not to shave 'down there' for the next few days and to show the doctor our genitals. This shaving 'down there' was not understood by anyone, but we did as we were told. I understood what needed to be done. I quickly took off my pants and underwear at the same time. The physiotherapist saw, nodded and said yes, then looked at the doctor, who was standing with his back to me. He waved me off.
When everyone in the team was checked, that is, everyone showed their vagina, the doctor was convinced that the Swedish women's national football team was all women. We thought, 'How did we get to this point? Why do we have to do this now?" Surely there must be other ways. Should we have given up? But at the same time, none of us wanted to risk the chance of playing in the World Cup. We just had to do it, no matter how humiliating it was," Nilla revealed.