Dmitriy Povoroznyuk reacts to comments made by Yuriy Wirth's wife

Former Veresa player Dmytro Povoroznyuk commented on the statements made by his wife Yuriy Wirth in his address.

Dmytro Povoroznyuk and Yuri Wirth

"I will not offend or call this person names, she shows her face on social media herself. Right now, my coach and I are sitting at the same table thanking each other for this journey.

Writing about my wife is crossing a red line. But suing, unsubscribing or threatening is not my way. I understand Ms Wirth's problem, but I don't want to insult a woman and her mother. It's easy to be a hero on social media. Unfortunately, she was not at the stadium today to support her husband.

So here are only wishes: health and intelligence," Povoroznyuk wrote on his Facebook page.

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  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    15.06.2023 13:53
    Теперь на сайте будет тема для обсуждения, как две жены поссорились. Засекаем время, сколько это будет продолжаться.
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