Talks on a single UPL TV pool stalemated

According to journalist Vladimir Zverov, the clubs have not agreed on a single TV pool.

- Talks about it have stopped. The clubs had Zoom the other day on the subject of the TV pool. Three weeks ago, everyone agreed to a single pool, and now not everyone agrees. At what cost to produce it all? All clubs have realised that at this stage in the existence of our football model they will get nothing. Even the clubs that wanted money until the last one, fought for 90 thousand, realized that they would get zero.

Now the clubs are turning to the pros: "What about you?". I can tell you that one hundred percent you will get nothing, just as you will get nothing from anyone else. The channel looks at whether it's interested," Zverov told TaToTac.

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  • Роллан Вентура(FanDin) - Эксперт
    20.06.2023 18:34
    Бизнес, прибыли....
    О болельщиках когда подумают?
    Или я слишком от жизни отстал и наивно мыслю?
    Наверное, так и есть.
    • 6