Source: Bujalski refuses to take a pay cut

Kyiv Dynamo midfielder Vitaliy Buyalskyy has not accepted his club's offer of a salary cut, journalist Ihor Burbas has assured.

Vitaly Buyalsky. Photo - A.Popov

"Vitaliy Buyalskiy has refused the salary cut offered by Dynamo to the most paid players. The club want to unload the payroll part of the budget. Responses are awaited from the rest of the players. But in case of refusal "Dynamo" will consider the option to sell the leaders", - wrote a source in his Telegram-channel.

It should be recalled that Bujalskiy is among the three most expensive Dynamo players according to Transfermarkt.

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  • auto-vitalij103
    Віталій В - Наставник
    21.06.2023 21:24
    Накидывает бурбасятина на вентилятор.
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