UEFA responds to Russian propaganda media

Russian propaganda publication RIA Novosti has made a request to UEFA over the UAF's request to expel the Russian Federation from FIFA and UEFA over Russia's attempts to integrate teams from temporarily occupied Crimea into its championships.

In response to the request, UEFA recalled that the organisation had banned Crimean clubs from participating in competitions under the auspices of the RAF.

"Regarding the situation in Crimea, in accordance with a decision of the UEFA Emergency Commission of 22 August 2014, the UEFA executive committee decided to ban Crimean clubs from participating in competitions organised by the Russian Football Union.

As of 1 January 2015, the region is considered a 'special zone' for football purposes until further notice," UEFA said.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    28.06.2023 21:26
    Може вже досить "толерантних розмов"?
    • 6