Oleksandr Shovkovskyi: "Our main expectation is Ukraine's victory"

Oleksandr Shovkovskyi, Dynamo's assistant head coach, spoke to journalists about the team's preparations for the new season.

Oleksandr Shovkovskyi. Photo by O. Popov

- Oleksandr, what are your expectations for the new season? "Does Dynamo want to take revenge and win the Ukrainian championship?

- Our main expectation is for the war to end with our victory. This is the main expectation of all Ukrainians. As for football, it is now important to lay the groundwork for the season in order to fulfil the tasks set, and they are only the highest.

- How important is Yarmolenko's transfer for the team and the club?

- We can talk about anything, but only time will tell. But I want to say that Yarmolenko's experience, his understanding of football, his individual and leadership qualities should definitely have an impact on the game. His confidence and authority will also help young players to progress. I can only see the benefits of his transfer.

- When will he join the team?

- Yarmolenko, like all the other players who played for the national teams, will join the team on the third of July. The guys who play for the youth national team will join us after playing at Euro 2023 and a short break.

- Diallo worked separately in training today. What is his condition?

- He had a difficult journey to Ukraine, arriving only last night. Today Diallo joined the team and later he will undergo a medical examination with the U-19 team. I think he will also have his first training session with them.

Volodymyr Bobyr

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  • Юра(Dynamo_s_Dnepra) - Наставник
    28.06.2023 22:15
    В Африці ніяких турнірів та матчів збірних не заплановано на найближчий час. Є шанс, що Самба пройде повноцінні збори, нарешті
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