Aleksandr Khatskevich: "Milevsky needs help"

Former head coach of Dynamo Oleksandr Khatskevych told about the former forward of the Kiev club Artem Milevsky.

Aleksandr Hatkevich

- I saw Milevskyy. I expected better, of course. It is understandable that hard times after retirement, but you need to be a man in any situation. And return to the Artem Milevskyy whom we knew. It is clear that he will no longer be a footballer, but he had a fairly serious project on YouTube. But first of all you need to start with yourself.

I know that the man needs help. That's all. He needs help today. When he was a football player, he got burned by his friends. Today, maybe he got into the wrong company again. But there are always people willing to help. What I've seen - I'm happy to help.

Because I lost my best friend (Valentin Belkevich - ed.). Maybe it was also because of the situation that we had with Artyom - the uncertainty after he was dismissed from Dynamo. He quickly burned out. Artem... I do not want to lose.

Yes, we are not the best of friends, but we are friends all the same. And I already have more life experience, so... You can burn out very quickly, if there are no people who will help you and guide you. What I saw - you need help," Khatskevich said in an interview with Sport Arena TV.

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  • Randy ! - Старожил
    01.07.2023 13:06
    Я тут с Хацом согласен. Созерцать как человек падает на дно и говорить о карме и о том что он это заслужил, это мне не понятно. Он уже и так заплатил своей карьерой. Все понимают о каких проблемах идёт речь и тут реально нужна помощь друзей и близких. Думаю, у него просто нет той силы воли сейчас справиться самостоятельно. И вытирать об него ноги, это не правильно!
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