Andriy Bogdanov: "Kvartsyanyi could have said to the youngster: "I haven't seen you on the field, go get drunk, shit yourself -

Former Dynamo player and current Kolos player Andriy Bogdanov recalled the times when he worked with Vitaliy Kvartsyany. The former Volyn coach tried to unlock the potential of his charges in his own way.

Vitaliy Kvartsyanyy

- It was an unforgettable time. I am very grateful to Kvartsyanyy for the fact that he rebooted me. We had some "tensions" at the end, but I am grateful to him. I always remember that time with a smile. Everyone knows the story that he kicked me off the bus and I left.

Every day the interaction, when he would get into a groove, he would start telling the story. He would say to a young man, "I haven't seen you on the field, get drunk, splash yourself - have them take you to the police so I can get you noticed".

He used to say to me, "Do you know why you play right-back? Because you're Dani Alves, I see Dani Alves in you." We have three right-backs in reserve, and I play. And the centre-backs were lacking. He is such a coach with a twist. We do not have such guys in the UPL, - Bogdanov told Sport Arena TV.
