Artem Frankov: "Admittedly, I don't have the slightest faith in us beating France"

Renowned journalist Artem Frankov has told what he expects from the quarterfinal match of Euro 2023 (U-21) between the youth teams of Ukraine and France, which will be held today in Cluj.

Artem Frankov

"Let me remind you of the "Olympic" schedule: if we, as well as in qualifying (and there we were 0:5 in a significant match and 3:3 in a not important one), lose to the French, and at the same time England is beaten in Portugal - goodbye, Paris (the city which will host the Olympics 2024 - Ed.), you have been manned without us.

Then we think: what if England do get through... Because, let's face it, we don't have the slightest faith that we will beat the French. And there isn't the slightest bit of reasoning about the outcome of the upcoming match.

My bet is that we will hold out for half the match and then it will become much more difficult: a draw after the first half," Frankov said.

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  • ksf ksf - Эксперт
    02.07.2023 07:43
    А Тема оптимист, однако.
    Невже Фраков думає такою "підтримкою" додасти нашій молодіжці оптимізму !?
    М"яч круглий. А перед плей оф збірній необхідна підтримка, а не заклики "зливайте воду", "сушіть весла".
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