Ruslan Rotan: "We had a fantastic match with France!"

The head coach of the youth national team of Ukraine Ruslan Rotan answered questions from journalists after the 1/4 Euro 2023 (U-21) match with France (3: 1), which took place yesterday in Cluj.

Ruslan Rotan

- Ruslan Petrovich, have you got used to the idea that the Ukrainian national team has made it to the semi-finals?

- First of all, we congratulate Ukraine on the victory, congratulate our defenders, thank them! I congratulate the team, who played a fantastic match, showed that we really are a team, we strive for more! If we go back years ago, when we first got together, and especially after the first qualifying match with France, we could not imagine that in two matches we would beat this team. I would like to congratulate the players on their excellent performance, on their victory, and most importantly for me, they were the best of the best in this match.

- France defends very high, which opens up space on both flanks. You surprised us a bit with the line-up, because you didn't have a classic striker - both Sudakov and Kryskiv were in that area. Was it your intention to stretch the opponent from one flank to the other, to quickly move the ball between zones?

- We understood that France would defend very compactly inside, that they would block our centre as much as possible. We focused on this, as well as on playing with a false nine to draw away defenders who act very high. Our fast wingers had to run into these areas. But I am very pleased that in the situation when Mudryk and Sudakov switched places, Heorhiy took on this role and burst into the space that Kryskiv created for him with his opening. We must definitely put this match in our asset.

I would also like to mention the French national team. This is a very powerful group, a good team, individually skilful. I am pleased that our guys reacted to the result with both individual skill and character, did not sour, and quickly returned to the game.

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  • Ярослав(YARY) - Эксперт
    03.07.2023 09:05
    Що ж, Руслане, мабуть настав час вибачитись перед тобою за недовіру!
    З перемогою!
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