Journalist Mikhail Spivakovskyy has revealed that Dutch coach Patrick van Leeuwen has moved from Zorya to Shakhtar, having unilaterally terminated his agreement with the Luhansk club.
"Shakhtar would never go for a coach they could not afford financially or legally. This is a club with a very strong strategy and a strong legal team. No clause, fine or compensation has been written into van Leeuwen's personal contract with Zorya. There was a sole termination clause in that agreement, with a term of 3 years, on both sides. The question is how that clause was spelled out, what additional conditions existed. I am sure that Shakhtar's lawyers have seen this agreement.
According to my information, even if there were attempts to reach an agreement between the clubs, it did not lead to anything. Van Leeuwen terminated the agreement unilaterally. Yevhen Geller is already engaging lawyers to study this case, to look for some nuances in the deal, which will help him defend his truth in this situation. If there is no further information, Geller has no legal chance to influence the situation. But the Zarya president is very principled, he believes it is unethical," Spivakovskyy said on TaToTaK.
Згадав анекдот на цю тему:
- П'єш?
- Ні.
- Куриш?
- Ні.
- Дружині зраджуєш?
- Ні.
- Що зовсім не маєш недоліків?
- Є один. Брешу багато...
1 - законен ли переход ван Леувена?
2 - этичен ли переход ван Леувена?
3 - занимались ли другие клубы неэтичным переманиванием?
4 - являются ли кроты рекордсменами по неэтичности?
Мои ответы - да, нет, да, да.
Я бы не влезал в дискуссию, заведомо, собирая минусы со всех сторон.
Но все же хочется аргументированной дискуссии, а не клубных пристрастий.
Плюнуть в Срну лишний раз не стоит потерянного времени.
Ну и вопросы за скобками - сможем ли мы конкурировать с кротами в следующем сезоне?
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