The head coach of the youth national team of Ukraine Ruslan Rotan answered questions from journalists after the 1/2 Euro-2023 (U-21) match with Spain (1: 5), which took place yesterday in Bucharest.
- We thank our fans, we thank our soldiers once again for the fact that we were able to show their qualities in this tournament. I would like to express my gratitude to our guys for the fact that we looked very good at the Euros and earned the sympathy of the fans. I believe that this will be good for them, they are great.
Today, we simply did not have enough recovery to be one hundred per cent ready. I don't understand how we got here after the game with France. These flight delays are incomprehensible, we were locked in some hangar, we sat for four hours at the airport instead of recovering. We arrived at the hotel at one in the morning. It's a mystery to me at a tournament like this. There were no emotions and freshness that should have been in this match. That's why we have this result.
You saw the match yourself. We had a good start to it. I would like to congratulate the Spanish national team - they are a very strong team. You have to play with such an opponent one hundred per cent. In our match in the group stage, we were fresher, moved well, played with the ball ourselves, and it was easier for us then. Unfortunately, today the guys just didn't have enough freshness.
- In the second half, the Spanish coach made a substitution to cover Mudryk. It seems that after that Mykhailo disappeared...
- Mykhailo has recovered from his injury. He played only with France. So functionally, it was difficult for him to play the whole match. When he was fresher, he made a difference. He practically scored the goal that we scored. Mudryk's functional condition could have been better, but you understand that he came back from injury.
1 - выбрать менее энергозатратную тактику, отказаться от высокого прессинга
2 - активно использовать ротацию
Обе возможности не были использованы. В отличие от первого матча с Испанией, с существенной ротацией.
Поэтому тренеру стоит делать выводы, а не ссылаться на обстоятельства непреодолимой силы.
Балерина Бражко в 1 пропущенном мяче и скидка Бондаренко в штрафной площадке на соперника - решили исход матча.
Я вчера, перед игрой сборной Украины смотрел игру из Батуми: Англия - Израиль. По результатам двух игр, моя точка зрения, что Испания более сильная команда, чем Англия, но у англичан есть преимущество - финал будет проводиться в Батуми. Значит, сборной Испании надо перелетать из Бухареста в Батуми и англичане, в отличие от испанцев, весь турнир провели именно там и они лучше адаптированы к местному климату.
-і Ванату червону картку і два матчі дискваліфікації,а потім ще тут усі кому не ліньки "виховували" Ваната..