Exclusive. Leonid Buryak: "Rotan is now one of the most progressive coaches in Ukraine".

The legendary midfielder of Kyiv Dynamo, the former head coach of this club and the Ukrainian national football team Leonid Buryak in his exclusive interview to Dynamo.kiev.ua has analysed the performance of the Ukrainian national youth team at Euro-2023 (U-21).

Leonid Buryak. Photo by O. Vasilyeva

- Before we start talking about the Ukraine youth team, I would like to wish good luck to Dynamo Kyiv, who have started their off-season training camp. At this stage, the seriousness of the players' attitude comes to the fore, it is decisive for their prospects in the new season.

We all hope that both youngsters and footballers, who came back from rentals, will show themselves properly and enter the season well. I am sure everyone will get a chance. Especially in the near future, when the coaching staff will be searching for the optimal squad.

As for our Ukraine national youth football team, I must admit I was very surprised with their performance at UEFA EURO 2023 (U-21). An excellent result, and also very good material for the national team coaches. There are 4-5 players in this youth team, who are already ready to play in the main team of our country.

- The Ukraine youth team has shown their true level, or should we talk about Fortune's goodwill?

- Nothing happens in football without luck. Take the Romanian side in the group stage: there, of course, everything could have gone differently for our team. But still, I believe that luck is the last thing we should talk about in this case: the Ukraine youth team were at their best in all Euros.

And now we must all thank the coaching staff and the players for the fact they have managed to give us such a festive football event. I am sure that all the Ukrainian fans enjoyed the game of our youth team, and at least they were distracted from the war. And Ukraine has once again proved that it really is a football nation.

- Which, unfortunately, ended in a major defeat for Spain in the semi-finals...

- 1-5 is a bit much, of course, but, apparently, both physically and mentally the guys were tired. Just tired. But the main thing is that the team solved the problem of reaching the Olympics. And, again, they looked good enough in every match.

I must admit that every player in the Spanish youth team was superior to any of our players. With all due respect to the Ukrainian 'youth' and their talents, 3-4 star players cannot beat 11 men of the opponent. So in general, everything is natural. Although in the first half not everything looked in favor of the Spaniards, and certainly nothing foretold the final big score.

- Spain and France are teams of a comparable level. But in the first case it was 1-5, while in the second it was a deserved 3-1 win in the quarter-finals. Why such a difference?

- In the match against France, our team have shown just a crazy realization of scoring chances. As many shots on goal as they scored. But I`m not belittling the merits of the Ukraine youth team. And in the semi-finals, it was the opponent's class that decided everything. Again, Sudakov and Mudrik cannot beat all of Spain.

But they have done a great job! Once again I must thank our team for this performance. I liked the game of Ukrainian 'youth', tactical drawing, organization of the game, speed, as well as the team's margin of safety. And, as I said, 4-5 people from this squad, can already play in the Ukraine national team.

- How can you evaluate the coaching potential of Ruslan Rotan?

- I have always had a great liking for him. Ever since I invited him to join my team. Now I think he is one of the most progressive coaches in Ukraine. He said goodbye to the youth team (though he will lead it to the Olympics), but he has and will have new goals, new teams. I am sure he will progress in the future, going step by step, taking his time. And now the main thing is that he has built a good team made up of good players.

- What do you expect from the new football season in Ukraine, which, like the previous one, will start in war conditions?

- There will be no miracle. Neither will there be any special changes compared to last season. There are strong teams, there are the middling ones, and there are weak newcomers to the UPL. Each of the clubs will have their own goals. Favorites of the Ukrainian championship will be the same. I would like it to be without upheavals and for this madness of the Russians to finally come to an end. But even after that we will have to rebuild not only the country, but also all of our football.

Alexander POPOV

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  • Yuriy(ExplorerYG_fkDK) - Эксперт
    07.07.2023 11:32
    Одна из десяти священных заповедей гласит ==Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image== (Не сотвори себе кумира =сокращение=).
    Руслан безусловно подающий надежды тренер, безусловно умный. Но...
    Пока я не увидел ни одного повода говорить о его суперталантах, о суперперспективности !!!!
    Какие успехи у Александрии ? Нет ! Не видел !
    В главной сборной ? Нет ! Не видел !
    В сборной Ю-21 ! В принципе молодец ! Выдал приемлемый результат ! Но и тут есть свои НО ! Смог ли Руслан перестроить игру молодежки на 2-й тайм против испанцев ? Нет ! То есть вопросы и тут есть !
    Так что не стоит возносить Руслана !
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