Russia is already fumbling over the inclusion of Crimean clubs in its under-championship

The RFU's so-called secretary general Maxim Mitrofanov gave a more than evasive answer to a question regarding the inclusion of clubs from the still-occupied Crimea in the Russian championship.

- There are no resolutions on the Crimean clubs in particular. There is a certain position and letters - they did not concern the admission of the Football Federation, granting a special legal status to the Crimean Football Union, which is not under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Football Association - they have their own legal status.

This is a territory with a special football regime. Accordingly, we should not allow professional football clubs to participate in professional competitions. I repeat: this is the decision of the FNL. It's their competition. There is probably every reason for that," the official explained cloudily to the local media.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    09.07.2023 21:56
    "Сколько верёвочке не виться ...", а Крым был, есть и будет украинским.
    • 6