Mikhail Mudryk congratulated Elina Svitolina on reaching the Wimbledon semi-finals (PHOTO)

Ukrainian midfielder of London Chelsea Mykhailo Mudryk congratulated Elina Svitolina with victory in the match of 1/4 finals of Wimbledon.

"Good match," - wrote Mudryk on his page in the network Instagram.

Recall, Svitolina defeated Iga Schwentek with a score of 7:5, 6:7 (5:7), 6:2. In the next round, the Ukrainian will meet with the Czech Republic's Markéta Vondroušová.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    12.07.2023 20:12
    Миша Певзнер реабилитирован - теперь это футбольная новость.
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