Oleksandr Sopko: "Youth players showed their maximum at the Euros"

Well-known football expert Oleksandr Sopko assessed the performance of the Ukrainian national youth team at Euro-2023 U-21, and also expressed his opinion on who it is more appropriate to include in the application of the Ukrainian team for the upcoming Olympics, where the "blue-yellow" first got to.

Oleksandr Sopko

- The most important thing in the performance of the Ukrainian youth team at the Euros is the result. It has been a long time since the youth national team has not made a fan so worried, it has not climbed so high for a long time, it has never played at the Olympics at all. A little time will pass, emotions will go away, and we will see that it was indeed a good result, a hope given to us all. And there is a prospect that this generation will still say their word in adult football.

Ruslan Rotan showed the result of his two-year painstaking work, in which many candidates for the national team were tested, developed a certain style, the principles by which the team played. Many can argue about it, some people do not like something, but the most important thing is that this style was, unlike the previous youth teams.

- Why did this team have a style, unlike the previous ones?

- There are several reasons. The main reason is that the core of this team was formed from players of one club, in this case - Shakhtar. These players have been playing not just for the last year together, but since childhood, since 15-16 years old, they were in the same academy, learnt the same principles. It was them that Rotan took as a basis, he did not break anything, on the contrary - he built the game, pulled other players under this model. On the one hand, it was easier for him, because the core of the national team played the same style of football, but on the other hand - it was more difficult to pick up other players, in particular, in the defensive line. But he managed to do a lot, the team confidently passed the group stage and looked, maybe except for the last game, convincing and worthy.

The fact that they failed to reach the final, the semi-final game with the Spaniards was a failure - let's be honest, the French, Spaniards and English have a much longer bench in terms of individual skills, the potential of players, in a one-on-one game they have more skilful players. That had an impact on the result of the semi-final. Plus the Spaniards have a more cohesive squad, which has been playing together for many years, winning tournaments. They have more experience of fighting in decisive matches. And, I think, we lacked one day of rest.

As for the tactics for the game with the Spaniards, we can also argue here. After scoring a goal we switched to playing with five defenders. In principle, it is a working tactic, and it worked well with the French, we showed discipline and good organisation of the game in defence, we imposed the fight, were not afraid to counterattack, controlled the ball well. With the Spaniards on the position of the fifth defender was Brazhko, and he had a huge load, because he had to play individually against the main striking force of the Spaniards Ruiz, and our player lacked the skill, experience of playing in this position. But despite everything, the team did even more than it could at this stage, we can only thank and congratulate both coaches and players.

- Who of the Ukrainian players surprised, and who, on the contrary, did not live up to expectations?

- I would not say that surprised, but confirmed his class Sudakov and confirmed his potential Mudryk. Trubin was a bit disappointing, because, as a rule, such games as the last one are largely pulled by goalkeepers. If Anatoly had played in the semi-finals the way we all expect, I think he would have been sold already, I expected more from him in the decisive games. I think he needs to rely not only on his tall height, but also to strengthen his legs, he lacks a quality jump. Plus his quick, strong legs allow him to control as much goalie space as possible. He tends to play, as they call it, on the tape, he needs to expand the geography of his actions.

The others, I think, showed the maximum that they are capable of today, and I would not say that someone did not justify something.

- There was an opinion in the network that Mudryk, perhaps, should not have been involved in the last Euro, as he did not play a decisive role, and he will have to enter the preparation for the season with Chelsea under the new coach with virtually no rest, and this could play a cruel joke on him. Do you agree with that?

- To get into the main Chelsea squad and demonstrate a stable, powerful game there, you must not be afraid to play for the national team, to prove yourself in serious tournaments. On the contrary, Mudryk needs such a tournament as the youth Euro to mature and get stronger. After all, he played little, sporadically, needs practice. And playing for the youth national team should give him back his confidence. Moreover, in a month he will actually forget that he played at the youth Euro, Mudryk will have completely different requirements, because the English championship is very difficult, there is constant pressure on the players. He is a young, physically developed guy, he needs to mature mentally. I hope that through work, through his attitude to football he will achieve what is expected of him.

- The application for the Olympics, according to the regulations, will be 18 people, and it will be possible to include only three players who are older than 2001, in particular, Artem Bondarenko is out of this cohort. How much should we expect a serious restructuring in the team, and who is better to take in the Olympic team - experienced players representing the national team or bet on the players who triumphed at Euro-2023?

- I think that today it's too early to talk about the composition of the team for the Olympics, there is still a year ahead and anything can happen. I think Bondarenko is one of the backbone players of the team, and he definitely deserves a place in the Olympic team. And further - we have Zinchenko, Malinovskyi, experienced players who have the ability to pull the team. The same Zabarny. I think it will be a pleasant headache for Rotan in choosing the best 18 for the Olympics. Perhaps, by that time other players, who may not have shown themselves very brightly at the Euros - the same Kashchuk, Brazhko, someone else - will grow up and show themselves.

Yevhen Savchuk

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