Dynamo Kyiv has presented a new uniform for the 2023/2024 season.

The world-renowned white and blue colours of FC Dynamo Kyiv's home kit, steeped in history, have been reimagined in the 23/24 season. It features a stylish asymmetry that can be traced from the shirt to the shorts. On the chest you will find the club crest of FC Dynamo Kyiv, accompanied by a realistic New Balance logo, the flag of Ukraine and the inscription FCDK on the back. The diamond pattern on the front represents the club crest and symbolises the club's rich heritage.
The new away kit also remains true to the club's colours and has a unique design. The pattern on the front features circles extending outwards from the iconic Dynamo Kyiv emblem. When they intersect, they create a dynamic feel with more depth and detail. There is also a striking asymmetry to the uniform: the right sleeve has a white cuff, while the shorts look asymmetrical from front to back due to the white cuff at the bottom. These changes emphasise the uniqueness of the uniform and the club's style.
Just like the home kit, the iconic club crest of FC Dynamo Kyiv is accompanied by the New Balance logo with a 3D effect on the chest, the flag of Ukraine and the inscription FCDK on the back.
The third set of uniforms, which is made in the national colours, remains unchanged and includes the chevron of FC Dynamo Kyiv, the flag of Ukraine and the New Balance logo. The continued use of the third kit in yellow and blue colours is of particular importance. It symbolises the unity of the club and all Ukrainians in their desire to win.
"For the sixth season in a row, New Balance has been the official sports partner of FC Dynamo Kyiv, presenting a new exclusive design of the club's uniforms every season. The sale of the new uniforms starts on 18 July in the official New Balance stores and FC Dynamo Kyiv," the club's official telegram channel said.
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Video - Dynamo Kyiv TV