Journalist: "99 per cent of next season is the last in Lucescu's career"

Journalist Ihor Tsyganik on the air of the programme "Tsyganik Live" expressed an opinion that next season for Dynamo coach Mircea Lucescu will be the last in his coaching career.

Mircea Lucescu. Photo:

"I am 99 per cent sure that next season is the last in Lucescu's coaching career. He has the last year of his agreement and the last chance to leave as a winner. To strategise for a few years and make some bets now will not be good.

It will be crucial for Lucescu to win at least one tournament and go home with the cup. If the season is unsuccessful, the end of Lucescu's career will be "blurred". The players understand this. Lucescu is counting on Yarmolenko and wants his charisma to "pull" young players to a new level.

I predict that after Lucescu the new head coach of Dynamo will be Shovkovskiy. I do not think that anything can change. Lucescu also sees that Shovkovskiy tried and gave the result," Tsyganik said.

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  • A G(Toha111) - Эксперт
    18.07.2023 12:49
    100% - Циганик балабол. Про це знають усі.
    Видати відому інформацію що ,,новину" - це треба уміти.
    А щодо його прогнозів, то вони практично ніколи не збуваються.
    Нашому Динамо успіхів незалежно від того, хто буде їх тренувати!
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