"Bayern are preparing a third offer for Kane - for £100m!

Bayern Munich are planning to improve their offer to Tottenham for Harry Kane, according to The Times.

Harry Kane, Getty Images

The Spurs management has rejected two previous bids due to the small amount of profit involved. Munich are ready to make another step, which will be estimated at £100 million.

Kane is in the last year of his contract with Tottenham. The England forward has no intention of signing a new deal and hopes to change clubs this summer.

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  • Borya111
    Борис Бор(Borya111) - Эксперт
    23.07.2023 11:50
    Холанд в Боруссии сразу был настроен на переход к горожанам, потому и клаузулу низкую согласовали. Иначе бы не перешел. На предложение Баварии он не отреагировал (зато обиделся Левандовски).
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