Oleksandr Zinchenko: "It's impossible not to fall in love with Arteta's vision of football and his winning mentality"

Arsenal's Ukrainian international Oleksandr Zinchenko has revealed what he thinks of his team's head coach Mikel Arteta.

Mikel Arteta and Oleksandr Zinchenko

"It's no secret that I know Mikel since the time when I played in Manchester City (Arteta was then a member of the coaching staff of this team - ed.). Then I told myself that if one day I leave City and stay in APL, I will play under only one coach - Mikel Arteta.

It's impossible not to fall in love with his vision of football and his winning mentality. I am sure that to be in such a team is a dream for any footballer. I think even from the outside you can see that we enjoy every day spent here, how hard we all work. Last season there was not a single day that the coaching staff was not at the training base. That's the right approach. It is exactly what you need if you want to achieve something really big," Zinchenko said during a press conference ahead of the friendly match between Arsenal and Manchester United in the United States today.
