Ihor Surkis: "The training camp went very well"

Dynamo President Ihor Surkis is currently with the team at a training camp in Austria and shared his impressions of the White and Blues' preparations for the start of the new season.

Ihor Surkis (photo: fcdynamo.com)

- This training camp went very well. I am in constant contact with the head coach and his assistants, and everything is going according to plan. The team is in good condition, both psychologically and athletically. So, I hope that the fans will be happy with our good play and results in the coming season.

- A legend, Andriy Yarmolenko, has returned to the team, which has had a positive impact on the atmosphere in the team and the team's performance. How long have you been negotiating with him?

- I started negotiating Yarmolenko's return a year ago. And I liked that he did not refuse me. Andrii told me that it was his dream to return to Dynamo as well. Yarmolenko has a very good memory, he remembers perfectly who raised him. I didn't just tell him: "Son, it's time to go home". It was from the heart. I believe that Yarmolenko will bring a lot of value to the team, and all the guys will only progress by training and playing alongside him.

- You must have seen how our club's fans, who are fighting on the frontline, burned the scarf of Zenit St Petersburg...

- We play football only because of the guys who are defending our country. Of course, we are very proud. Our guys can burn anything they want, because these non-humans attacked our country, preventing our children from going to kindergartens and schools. Our soldiers have left the battlefield and remember that there is such a club as Dynamo Kyiv. And for this, we are very grateful to them.

In turn, FC Dynamo and the Surkis Brothers Foundation have also made, are making and will continue to make their small contribution to our future victory. There is no doubt that the victory will be ours, and the non-humans will be punished, and very severely - and not only on the battlefield, because the Almighty sees what they do to our civilians. And to our soldiers, I am grateful and bow low for what they do.

Now I have arrived at the team and will be here until the end of the training camp, after which I will go to Kyiv with them. Last season, we had a lot of hard journeys and flights, and I didn't always even keep up with the team. This season, I hope, will be different. The main thing is that the Dynamo fans, who are fighting on the frontline, are safe and sound and enjoy our victories.

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  • A G(Toha111) - Эксперт
    22.07.2023 19:49
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