Romanian journalist: "Cannabis will get a good raise - 100,000 euros"

Romanian journalist Emanuel Roșu spoke about the details of the transfer of Ukrainian midfielder Yevhen Konoplyanka to CFR Cluj.

Yevhen Konoplyanka

- Konoplyanka will receive a good raise - 100,000 euros. And his monthly salary will be one of the highest in the team - 15,000 euros. In general, players in Cluj receive different salaries. From several thousand euros a month to 20-30. That is, the Ukrainian will have a salary almost as high as the team leaders.

CFR Cluj is currently in debt. The managers are trying to stabilise the club's situation and try to save money. But in general, Cluj is one of the two richest clubs in Romania. Together with Steaua Bucharest. Cluj's goal for the season is to win the league. And in the Conference League - to get out of the group," said Roşu.

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