Myron Markevych: "Ostap and I have the same vision of football. But I have the last word"

Myron Markevych, the coach of Lviv's Karpaty, spoke about working together with his son Ostap.

Myron Markevych

- "When I was working at Metalist and Dnipro, Ostap was always with me at training camps, watching what was going on. Later he moved to Spain. There he learnt the language and trained with the best coaches. It's clear that I had a hand in making sure he visited the top coaches. Ostap worked for four years at Villarreal.

We have the same vision of football. It's easier with him. He takes a task and implements it. So everything is fine with that. Plus other assistants who played for me, Strontsytskyi and Sapuga. It's easy for me with them, there are no problems. I consult with them, and we come to some kind of consensus. But, of course, I have the last word," Markevych Sr. told Tribuna.

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  • Арчибальдо Алекс - Наставник
    26.07.2023 20:29
    Судя по прочитанному, последнее слово нужно только для других помощников )
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