Yuriy Wirth: "With all due respect to captain Sydorchuk, it is Yarmolenko who is the father who should lead the young partners"

Famous Ukrainian coach Yuriy Virt commented on the return of midfielder Andriy Yarmolenko to Dynamo.

Yuri Wirth

- "Maybe not much, but he will definitely add. "Dynamo lacked a leader, and he has exactly those qualities. With all due respect to captain Sydorchuk, it is Yarmolenko who is the father who should lead the young partners. "Dynamo rebuilt last season, and it's time for the youngsters to prove that they can show the game and the result. Yarmolenko is exactly the kind of player who can lead his teammates both on the pitch and in the dressing room. His return will add strength. "Dynamo have to win the championship. Lucescu's men are in good shape, and this was shown in the control matches. I think they will be able to regain the place in the league they used to occupy," said Wirth.

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Best comment
  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    30.07.2023 15:47
    Давайте сегодня посмотрим сколько времени отыграет Ярмоленко. Не может быть капитан на 60-70 мин. игры.
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