The director of the Rukh media centre explained why the picture was losing quality during the broadcast of the UPL match of the

Bohdan Tymovchak, Director of the Rukh Media Centre, explained why the picture was losing quality during the broadcast of the Ukrainian championship match against Zorya in the 1st round.


- As you know, this season we are organising the broadcasts of our home matches on our own. Television preparations for the first match lasted just three days. Nevertheless, we managed to arrange for the work of one of the best PTS companies in the country. Experts with international experience worked at the director's console, and the same goes for the camera crew.

An expert analytical studio was organised before the match, during the break and after the game. Head coaches and players of both teams came for flash interviews. For the first time, we showed a broadcast from the team's locker room. The independent host, journalist and experts wore branded clothing. In short, a lot of work was done and implemented in a short period of time. Creative solutions during the broadcast, the game itself, replays, and analysis of key moments confirmed the high level of qualification of the creative staff.

However, there was, of course, an unfortunate moment regarding the quality of the video viewers saw on YouTube, on Suspilne and on Sport 1. As Andriy Stolyarchuk commented on the match from Kyiv, due to his inability to come to Lviv for personal reasons, the signal was transmitted and converted to air according to a certain chain. As a result, the picture for the viewers was not reproduced correctly (far from being of proper quality). We know the reason. We will draw conclusions. Therefore, we will improve with each show and do our best to meet the best television standards. So please don't judge us harshly for this historic first time. We recognise the problems and will definitely fix everything in the next broadcasts. And we will try to constantly work on improving the content and try to surprise our viewers again," said Tymovchak.
