Oleh Fedorchuk: "In some of van Leeuwen's interviews, dissatisfaction is already slipping through"

Football expert and coach Oleh Fedorchuk shared his thoughts on Dmytro Chygrynskiy's possible return to Shakhtar.

Oleg Fedorchuk

- Will Chygrynskiy strengthen the current Shakhtar?

- I don't think he will, but here, most likely, the situation is the same as with Rakitskiy. It is very difficult to play on two fronts with young players. Plus, we see that Bondar is prone to injuries and Matvienko can sometimes be dangerous for his goal, besides, his departure in winter is possible.

The signing of Chygrynskiy is an insurance for the domestic championship. "Shakhtar have not offended any of their players. Pyatov, Kryventsov and others got jobs at the club after finishing their playing careers. I think the same story will happen with Chygrynskiy.

We can also draw a parallel with Yarmolenko. It was clear that if he would help Dynamo, it would be only in moral and psychological terms, which was shown by the match with Minai. At such an age it is difficult to play a leading role. Even Ibrahimovic, Ronaldo and Messi failed to do it.

- Will Chygrynskiy at the age of 36 pull Shakhtar's level or is he more considered as a reserve?

- It will be difficult for Chygrynskiy to play 90 minutes. Everything will depend on his condition, Rakitskiy did not immediately start to play after his return, and he is even more interesting than Chygrynskiy.

At first I was sceptical about Rakitskiy's return, but my doubts were dispelled after his first matches without mistakes. The same can happen with Chygrynskiy.

"Shakhtar are interested in him because they know all his strengths and weaknesses. It is undesirable to take an unknown player on a fire-fighting mission. Chygrynskiy's pluses are head play, good first pass and reading the game. The minus is, of course, his weak speed.

- Is Chygrynskiy stronger or weaker than Matvienko, Bondar, Rakitskiy?

- In terms of conditioning, Chygrynskiy is inferior to them and should not be in the clip. But Dima is a skilled enough player, he has a level, understanding in the organisation of the game, so in difficult moments he can help the youngsters.

Yes, Bondar made a lot of mistakes, but he was the leader of the youth national team, he has all the qualities to become a great footballer, but the guy is clearly unlucky - he got the second serious injury in two years. In the long run Bondar is stronger than Chygrynskiy.

Experienced Chygrynskiy will definitely be able to play one game at a high level, but for a long period - a question. In addition, Dima is a very traumatic footballer.

- According to TaToTake, Chygrynskiy's invitation is Srna's idea. Will it not happen that Dmitriy will be signed without van Leeuwen's knowledge and it will affect the coach's attitude to him?

- In some of van Leeuwen's interviews there are already slipping lines of dissatisfaction. It seemed to me that in response to a question about Trubin the coach was displeased, saying: "All questions to Palkin". I do not remember that in the elite clubs such an answer was given. I think there is some tension at Shakhtar, like at Dnipro-1. Unfortunately, our clubs do not yet have a clear system of relations.

- If not Shakhtar, what club and championship will suit Chygrynskiy?

- As a rule, all our age or low-level players play in Greece, Turkey or Cyprus. The best option for Chygrynskiy is Turkey, although now clubs there are also having financial problems.

- Matvienko was used on the left for half of last season, Rakitskiy rarely played matches in full, Bondar made mistakes and was often injured. Did Shakhtar not know that? Why did the "fire" start only now?

- In Ukrainian football, centre-backs have suddenly become a scarce commodity, although it used to be our trump card. Even in the national team we have a difficult situation at this position. Dynamo's match against Minaj also showed the problems of Kyiv team in this area. The play of the capital team's centre-backs can give any coach, even such an experienced one as Lucescu, a heart attack.

Beskorovainy in "Kryvbas" simply gives the ball to the opponent, even in children's schools such mistakes are not allowed. Therefore, this problem is relevant not only for Shakhtar, but also for our other clubs.

All top Ukrainian players are midfielders: Sudakov, Bondarenko, Shaparenko, Tsygankov, Shaparenko, Mudryk. But in the centre of defence and attack we have a problem.

Andriy Piskun

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  • Tujh Tujh(veryoldman) - Эксперт
    01.08.2023 21:57
    .....зачем я "это" читал.....????
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